**Spoilers at the end**

Overall Rating: ★★★★☆

The Family Plot written by Megan Collins is sure to keep you on your toes. This book is a psychological thriller about a family who hides their dysfunction behind their obsession with serial killers. To say Dahlia Lighthouse had an unconventional childhood is a massive understatement. She and her siblings, including her twin, Andy, were homeschooled by parents obsessed with true crime. Along with geography they were taught about famous serial killers and their victims.On Dahlia and Andy’s sixteenth birthday, Andy disappeared, leaving behind a cryptic note which implied he had left home… possibly for good. For years Dahlia has stuck close to home while her remaining siblings spread out, just in case Andy ever returned home. When her father died, Dahlia and her siblings once more gather with their mother in the house they grew up in- only to make a horrifying discovery- one that answers some of their questions about Andy-but raises a plethora of other questions, about the Lighthouse family, their neighbors, local law enforcement, and the infamous serial killer dubbed ‘The Blackburn Killer”.

Overall, I thought this was a great book, perfect for those who like thrillers but could do without massive amounts of violence and gore. 

**Spoilers Ahead**



While I thoroughly enjoyed the first 3/4 of this book, I was not too fond of the ending. When Dahlia found out that her father was the Blackburn Killer and that Charlie and Andy were a part of it, I was left wanting more. I also wanted the mother to be more present in the situation.

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