Monthly Archives: November 2022

Random Quiz of Non-Specific Nerdom


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Why the Things we do Make Sense

The Teleski family had lived in the mansion on top of the hill ever since the hill was built in the late 1740s.  Of course, it hadn’t always been a mansion.  It had started out as a one room shed … Continue reading

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Leaf Blowing

I have never understood the leaf-blowing and raking frenzy that captures Americans in October and refuses to release them until November. If you are unfamiliar with this tradition, it roughly goes as follows: A single leaf: *falls* Every respectable home … Continue reading

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An Ode to Tripods

Teen Angel A stop-motion charcoal animation I made for one of my classes. Y’all.  I have never been so acutely aware of the convenience, nay, necessity, of a tripod. Like most people, I am not a professional videographer or photographer, … Continue reading

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Hand Sewing and Sewing Machines

Greetings internet; I have come to rant about something that is nobody’s fault. Hand-stitching. It looks like it should be so fun, so satisfying, so dignified, so dainty.  That lasts for about three stitches, and then it rapidly deteriorates into … Continue reading

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